Spices Medicinal Herbs - spices of india
Spices of India - Spices Medicinal Herbs

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Symplocos racemosa

(Common name:- Lodhra)


Symplocos racemosa


Lodhra is another potent herb known for its medicinal value and have been used since time immemorial and given high value by treaties like sage charka.

It is mainly distributed in India mainly in the planes and lower hills of Bengal, Assam, Burma and dry forests of Nagpur.

Symplocos belongs to Symplocaceae family in the genus Symplocos which consists of many other species distributed throughout India.

Plant Description

The plant is an evergreen shrub with dark green, oblong, elliptic and glabrous leaves above.

The flowers are white, becomes yellow, fragrant, and having simple or compound racemes.

The fruit is drupe, black, cylindrical and smooth containing numerous seeds.


Symplocos is cultivated majorly in plains of north and east India also distributed in the Himalayas with altitude of 1400 m.

Parts Used



It contains three alkaloids- loturine, loturidine and colloturine.


The bark of lodhra is employed for various ailments such as:-

The bark is said to possess medicinal properties of astringent, refrigerant, ophthalmic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, hypothermic, astringent, depurative, febrifuge, haemostatic, stomachic and suppurative.
