Stone flower is also known as lichen because it grows in the form of lichens on the tree.
Stone flower is also known as lichen because it grows in the form of lichens on the tree.
It is usually a native of Indian subcontinent and found in northern India and Bengal.
Stone plant is small shrub that normally grows on the rocks and sometimes looks like a combination of algae and fungus.
The upper layer of leaves is green-black and whitish from inside. They also grow on trees gaining nutrition from rain running down the tree.
There are various species of lichens found variable shapes like tubular, upright, branching, and flat and leaf like.
This herbal shrub is invasive and propagates fast. It is mainly grows near the damp areas.
It is widely found in India and other tropical parts of the world where grazing is casual and rains are heavy.
Whole plant
Stone plant contains lecanoric acid and alkaloid called atranorin.