The plant has long been used for its use in ayurvedic medication. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory functions over the years. Also, studies over the years have revealed Agnimantha�s anti-obesity benefits in Ayurveda.
It is a large shrub that may be as long as 9 meters. The bark is often yellow and may be dotted with lenticels while the branches may be spiny.
The leaves of the plant may be elliptic or obtuse in shape while the flowers are small and may range from a greenish yellow to greenish white.
The plant is mostly found in the plains of India or the coats of Andaman Islands and well known for its use as an ayurvedic medicine.
Insufficient information
The parts of the plant commonly used for medicinal purposes include the roots and leaves. On some occasions, the bark of the Agnimantha may also be used.
Based on the limited degree of chemical research, Angnimantha has been found to contain alkaloids premnine, ganiarine, premnazole and aphelandrine, the pentacyclic terpene betulin, the flavone lutiolin, beta-sitosterol, a polyisoprenoid, resin and tannin.