Celery is a common vegetable used world wide for seasoning in cuisines.
Celery has been cultivated in Europe and other Mediterranean region from
thousands years back.
It is basically cultivated for its leaf and seeds which are used for
garnishing purpose and its taproots can be used in cooking.
It is perennial herbaceous plant that has crispy texture, subtle flavor
and pleasing fragrance.
Celery plant grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches and constitutes of
leaf-topped stalks that are arranged in conical shape joined at the common
This plant belongs to the same family of umbelliferae as carrot, turnip
and parsley and dill belongs.
This plant requires sandy soil full of fertilized organic matter and
moisture for proper growth.
Celery cultivation is extended to Europe, Sweden, Egypt, Asia including
India and Baluchistan.
It is widely grown for its aromatic leaves and seeds in states of India
like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and north-west Himalayas. It grows best in cold
climatic areas.
Leaves, stalks and dried seeds.
Celery contains moisture, protein, fat, crude fiber, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid.